Deleting a User-Managed OCI Detector Recipe

You can delete a user-managed detector recipe in Cloud Guard when you no longer need it,

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Cloud Guard, click Recipes.
    2. On the Recipes page, click Detector recipes.
    3. To ensure the page displays all available items in the list, under Scope, set the value of Compartment to the tenancy's root compartment and select Include child compartments.
    4. Look for rows where the entry in the Type column is Activity, Configuration, or Threat and the entry in the Oracle Managed column is No.
    5. Locate the user-managed recipe that you want to delete.
    6. Open its Actions menu Image of Action menu and select Delete.
    7. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  • For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

    Use the oci cloud-guard detector-recipe delete command and required parameters to delete a detector recipe:

    oci cloud-guard detector-recipe delete --detector-recipe-id <detector_recipe_ocid> [OPTIONS]
  • Use the DeleteDetectorRecipe operation to delete a detector recipe.