Creating a Data Masking Rule
Create data masking rules in Cloud Guard to hide or redact categories of sensitive information from users who don't have a specific need to view it.
Prerequisite: Create IAM groups that clearly group users in a way that maps to the categories of sensitive information that they are authorized to view. See About Data Masking.
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Use the oci cloud-guard data-mask-rule create command and required parameters to create a data masking rule:
oci cloud-guard data-mask-rule create --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> --data-mask-categories <data_mask_categories> --display-name <display_name_text> --iam-group-id <iam_group_id> --target-selected <valid_json> [OPTIONS]
Run the CreateDataMaskRule operation to create a data masking rule.
What's Next
To edit a data masking rule, see Editing a Data Masking Rule.