How Upgrade Affects Process Features

The following Oracle Integration Generation 2 Process features aren't supported in Process Automation in Oracle Integration 3. This topic describes possible workarounds and alternate solutions.

The following table lists Oracle Integration Generation 2 features that are affected by the upgrade, including any workaround or alternate solutions and the remark you see in the migration report that you get after upgrade.

Functional area Oracle Integration Generation 2 feature Description Workaround or alternate solution Remark in migration report
Analytics Business indicators Capture and display business metrics specific to your process Leverage reporting or visualization tools such as Oracle Analytics or Visual Builder. Process Automation processes can push data to these systems via REST or Oracle Integration connectors.  
Composer Composer testing framework Test process via composer Test processes in a development/test environment after deployment.  
Permissions (for applications in Composer) Spaces Control access to applications via spaces, which allow certain users to access to a subset of applications    
Mobile app Mobile app Oracle Process Mobile Application Use your browser to interact with Process Automation via your mobile device or build a progressive web application for mobile devices with Visual Builder.

A depreciation notice was published in What's New for Oracle Integration 2.

Workspace Oracle Content Management (OCM) integration: OCM instance setup configuration Test and persist OCM connection configuration Evaluate whether process-based attachments will serve your needs. If you need a content management solution, evaluate the ability to integrate it via Oracle Integration.

A depreciation notice was published in What's New for Oracle Integration 2.

Workspace User preferences Ability to set user preferences  
Workspace Task views Create views and grant them to other users  
Structured processes Bot activity Call an RPA integration created using one of the available RPA adapters in Oracle Integration During upgrade, bot activities will be replaced with abstract activities. Re-establish connectivity to RPA bots as needed with REST or Oracle Integration connectors.

A depreciation notice was published in What's New for Oracle Integration 2.

Couldn't migrate

Activity Bot activity : Type Bot isn't supported. Replaced with an abstract activity.

Structured processes OCM integration: document start event Trigger a process instance when document details are received During upgrade, document start events will be replaced with message start events. Evaluate whether process-based attachments will serve your needs. If you need a content management solution, evaluate the ability to integrate it via Oracle Integration.

A depreciation notice was published in What's New for Oracle Integration 2.

Structured processes OCM integration: folder start event Trigger a process instance when folder details are received During upgrade, folder start events will be replaced with start message events. Evaluate whether process-based attachments will serve your needs. If you need a content management solution, evaluate the ability to integrate it via Oracle Integration.

A depreciation notice was published in What's New for Oracle Integration 2.

Structured processes Dynamic process (DP) call activity Incorporate a dynamic process within your structured process by using a Dynamic Process element During upgrade, dynamic process activities will be replaced with abstract activities. If you need to call a dynamic process from a structured process you can use a REST connector that points to an instances REST endpoint. Couldn't migrate

Activity Calling DP : Type Dynamic Process isn't supported. Replaced with an abstract activity.

Structured processes Multiple start events Multiple starts support for structured process Trigger a form start event via the instances REST endpoint, providing flexibility in starting a process from a form or via an API.
Structured processes Insight activity Browse Insight models and send data to them During upgrade, Insight activities will be replaced with abstract activities. Leverage reporting or visualization tools such as Oracle Analytics or Visual Builder. Process Automation processes can push data to these systems via REST or Oracle Integration connectors. Couldn't migrate

Activity Insight : Type Insight isn't supported. Replaced with an abstract activity.

Structured processes Micro processes Divide a large, complex business process into multiple reusable blocks called micro processes, created within separate applications; use an activity to link your micro process in structured processes During upgrade, micro processes will be replaced with abstract activities. Replace the abstract activities with a REST connector to call a Process with certain limitations (for example, no auto-update of any changes in definition and message end). Couldn't migrate

Activity Micro process : Type Micro Process isn't supported. Replaced with an abstract activity.

Structured processes Business parameters Cross-process variables (only for structured processes) with values that can be modified without redeploying the application You can replace business parameters with data objects, but the data objects will behave like regular variables without any way to update values after activation. Alternatively, you can implement a Decision or an Integration serving business parameter values that can be shared across process applications and updated independently.
Structured processes Save process start form data Save the entered data in start form If you need to persist data prior to initiating a process, use Visual Builder-based forms.  
Structured processes Message end event   During upgrade, message end events will be replaced with none end events. If you weren't using the message emitted by the error end event, you don't need to do anything; the replacement during upgrade will suit your purpose. If you need to notify another process or an external service, use a send task or a service task right before the end event. Couldn't migrate

End Event XXXXX: Type message isn't supported. Replaced with end none event.

Structured processes Event-based gateway   During upgrade, an event-based gateway will be replaced with an exclusive gateway. Couldn't migrate

Gateway Event based gateway : Type Event based gateway isn't supported. Replaced with an exclusive gateway.

Structured processes Process-level variables Predefined variables exposed by Process but not already supported, such as componentName, dueDate, reviewer Remove references to invalid process variables. Some information may be available from our APIs. You could call the APIs from within the process using a connector in a service task to retrieve the values and assign them to process data objects.  
Structured processes Error event sub-process error codes Default errors produced by runtime that can be selectable as errors in a standard error catch Errors won't be mapped/migrated during upgrade; they'll be left blank. You'll need to choose new errors. Oracle Integration 3 includes a new subset of exceptions provided by runtime.  
Dynamic processes Dynamic process roles scoped to various resources within DP Specific roles to stages, activities in DP After upgrade, users won't have permissions for those dynamic process roles. Use a combination of global roles and task assignment rules to achieve a similar outcome. Migrated as global roles
Dynamic processes REST sentries Drive conditional triggers with REST calls Use a combination of data sentries, event sentries, and REST calls to achieve a similar outcome. Couldn't migrate

Data condition in Stage Global isn’t supported

Dynamic processes DMN sentries Drive conditional triggers with DMN calls Use a combination of data sentries, event sentries, and DMN calls to achieve a similar outcome. Couldn't migrate

Data condition in Stage Global isn’t supported

APIs SOAP/WSDL interface for Process SOAP and WSDL APIs exposed by Processes Update your clients to invoke Process via REST APIs.
APIs Basic authentication Provide a username and password when making a request to an API endpoint Process Automation APIs are protected with OAuth token-based authentication. See Security, Authentication and Authorization in REST API for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.
APIs REST endpoints Perform a large number of operations such as creating new process instances, tasks fetching transaction information, or managing your user preferences Equivalent APIs are available in Process Automation. Update your clients to reference the updated API endpoints and payload definitions. See REST API for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.
Vacation rules Delegation: delegation action in vacation rules Automatically delegate tasks while the given user is on vacation Configure out of office actions using re-assignment mechanics. Note: the equivalent functionality in OPA is call Out-Of-Office(OOO).
Human tasks Escalation policy: escalation to manager Escalate task to assignee's manager or role's escalation path    
Human tasks Customize human task screen Hide attachments/comments    
Human tasks Notifications: form as PDF/Image/Inline Configure human task notifications to contain the form as a PDF document, image, inline Use notifications without attachments. Provide as much information as available and needed in the notification text.  
Human tasks Business calendar Configure business calendar    
Human tasks Renew Configure renewal policy   Couldn't migrate

"Expiration type in activity XXX: Renew type isn't supported."

Human tasks excludedParticipants Don't assign a task to select users/roles During upgrade, excluded participants are removed from task. Couldn't migrate

"Excluded participants for human task XXX"

Human tasks previousSwimLaneParticipant Assign the task to the previous assignee in the same lane After upgrade, the task is set to individual participants with an empty list. Couldn't migrate

"Previous task assignee in XXX: This option isn't supported."

Human tasks Assignment to groups Assign user tasks to a specific group During upgrade, groups are removed from the assignee list. Change group assignments to a role, and link the IDCS group to the newly created role. Not supported

"Group assignee for activity XXX"

Human tasks Action rules Define certain actions as unavailable    
Human tasks execData mappings HT-related predefined variables that can be accessed through data mappings You must remove references to these variables or replace them with other data elements. For example, some of these can be re-mapped to Task Predefined variables:
  • TaskId
  • Approver
  • State
  • createdDate
Human tasks Identification key via input data association Identification key can be set via input data association in execData  
Human tasks Handlebars as the notification template Define the notification template using Handlebars. Use Mustache Template.
SOAP connector SOAP connector Make a SOAP call from Process During upgrade, SOAP connectors won't be imported. After upgrade, service tasks won't include an assigned connector, and data associations will be invalid. Temporarily mark the service tasks as a draft. Reimplement the connectors using REST, or use an integration to perform SOAP to REST conversion.

A depreciation notice was published in What's New for Oracle Integration 2.

Couldn't migrate SOAP connector XXXX
Business objects Module/namespace Sort types into modules/namespaces During upgrade, business objects are migrated at the root level. After upgrade, you can select and use types as usual but they are all listed at the same level instead of grouped by modules/namespaces.  
Business objects Default value for business object Set a default value for a business object field so there's no need to map data unless needed for that specific instance (business object will contain default value otherwise) During upgrade, default values for business objects won't be migrated. Map the default value of the business object field on each instance where its referenced. We recommend including a data association activity at the beginning of the process to centrally initialize any required attribute.  
Business objects Business objects XSDs Upload XSDs to the application so you can refer to them later for BO creation During upgrade, business objects based on XSDs are migrated, but you won't be able to upload new XSDs. For any new definitions you need, create your business objects manually, or, for a connector, provide a JSON payload.  
Business objects Business exceptions Throw custom errors during a flow, as well as catch them in error subprocesses After upgrade, business exceptions will be missing, so throw/catch events referencing business exceptions will report errors and associated mappings will be invalid. CustomException: Exception selected to be caught/thrown is unsupported
Forms Nested forms Nest forms like subcomponents Design your forms to be auto-contained.  
Connector in form preview Test connector calls from form preview After upgrade, connectors aren't executed when running the form in preview mode. Activate the application on your development instance and test using Workspace.  
Application life-cycle Retire an application (and then activate it later) Retire an active/deployed Process application    
Data associations Append action Append item/list to a list selected in the target During upgrade, append actions aren't migrated; they're set to no action. No workaround. Not Supported

"Action in data mapping for activity $activityName"