Configure a Custom Endpoint for an Instance

Configure a custom endpoint to access your Oracle Integration instance with your own hostname (for example,, instead of the original instance URL generated in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

Runtime access to your integrations will use the custom endpoint with no redirection. For all other access points—design-time, Visual Builder, Process Automation—you still access the custom endpoint, but the custom endpoint then redirects to the appropriate URL.

Be aware of the following:

  • Associating a custom endpoint with your Oracle Integration instance doesn't affect the original instance URL. You can access your instance using the custom endpoint URL or the original instance URL.
  • If you're using the Oracle NetSuite Adapter, the adapter's TBA Authorization Flow security policy won't work with custom endpoints for Oracle Integration.
  • An API gateway doesn't redirect access points such as design-time, Visual Builder, and Process Automation. If you use an API gateway for your instance, you'll need to access these resources using the original URLs. See Manage Oracle Integration Endpoints Using API Gateway.

To configure a custom endpiont for an instance, perform the following tasks: