Choose Your Update Window

Functional updates occur every two months to apply the latest updates to your instance.

Your Update Window is Determined by Instance Shape

Each functional update has two update windows. Your instance's update window is determined by the instance's shape. Instances with a Development shape receive updates two weeks before instances with a Production shape. During the two-week interval between updates, your organization can sanity check the update before it's applied to a production instance.

Instance Shape is Selected During Provisioning

The user who created the instance chose the shape during provisioning. You can't change the shape of an instance after the instance is created. However, you can move data to another instance using the export and import features.


In Oracle Integration Generation 2, you chose your update window using tags. Oracle Integration 3 uses only an instance's shape to determine the update window.

No Downtime During Update

Your service won't experience any downtime as part of the update.

Updates Are Mandatory

You can't skip or reschedule an update. Updates are mandatory, and Oracle can't accommodate individual schedules.