Change the Upgrade Schedule

You can change the target compartment for your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance on Gen 2 or move the upgrade date to a different time slot but you must do so at least two weeks before the upgrade is due to start. Oracle locks the upgrade schedule two weeks before the upgrade date. You can't make changes to the upgrade schedule after it's locked.


You must have full administration permissions to change the upgrade schedule.

If you have several Oracle Analytics Cloud instances on Gen 1 you can upgrade them in a single batch (same date and compartment) or select different compartments or different upgrade time slots.


Only change the upgrade date if absolutely necessary.
  1. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Navigation menu in the top left corner.
  2. Click Analytics and AI. Under Analytics, click Analytics Cloud.
  3. Click Other Instances (Gen 1).

    A message indicates you have one or more Analytics instances (Gen 1) scheduled for upgrade and the scheduled upgrade date and upgrade compartment is displayed.

    Description of oac_console_upgrade.jpg follows
  4. To change the upgrade date or compartment for one or more instances, select the check box next to their names, and then click Manage Upgrade.
    Description of oac_console_upgrade_schedule.jpg follows
  5. Optional: Click Upgrade Compartment or Upgrade Schedule to change the compartment or select an alternative date from the list.
    If you don't want to use the same compartment and date for all the instances listed in Manage Upgrade page, click X to remove them.
  6. Click Save Changes to update the schedule.