Viewing Transcription Job Details

View the details for a transcription job in Speech.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under AI Services, click Speech.
    2. Under List Scope, select the compartment that you want to work in.
    3. In the left-side navigation menu, click Transcription jobs
    4. Click the name of the job to open the job's details page.

    On the Job Information tab, you can view these details:

    • General information:

      • A description of the job if one was defined.

      • A shortened version of the job OCID. You can use the Show and Hide links to switch the display of the full OCID. Use the Copy link to save the entire OCID to your clipboard to paste it elsewhere. For example, you could paste into a file and save it, then use it in your scripts.

      • The date and time when the job was created, accepted, started, and finished.

      • The job duration time.

    • Filter information: Shows any filter applied, and in what mode that the filter was applied.

    • Data: Indicates the input and output data buckets.

    • Transcription information:

      • Identifies the language for the resulting transcription file.

      • Identifies the model type.

      • Identifies the domain type.

      • Identifies whether punctuation was enabled (the default) or disabled.

      • Identifies any additional file formats specified in the job, they're identified, for example, SRT.

      • Identifies whether diarization was enabled and the number of speakers.

    On the Tags tab, you can view any tags that exist. You can click the pencil icon to:

    • Edit who created the tag.

    • Edit the tag creation date.

    • Click Remove tag to delete the tag.

    The Tasks section lists the tasks for the job and displays the following information about each task:

    • Status of accepted, in progress, succeeded, or failed.

    • Media file duration, and size.

    • Start date and time, and the duration (processing time).

  • Use the oci speech transcription-job list and oci speech transcription-job getcommands and required parameters to list all transcription jobs:

    oci speech transcription-job list ... [OPTIONS]
    oci speech transcription-job get --transcription-job-id [text] ... [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Use the ListTranscriptionJobs and GetTranscriptionJob operations to view the job details.