About Data Handling

Learn how Speech handles your data.

Does Oracle use the media files that I upload into Speech service for other purposes?

No, Oracle doesn't use the media files you upload or the audio stream from a Live Transcribe job for any purpose except to provide you with a transcription of your media files.

Does Oracle use my media files to train the service?
No, Oracle doesn't use the media files you upload or the audio stream from a Live Transcribe job to train the Speech service.
Are the files I send to the Speech API, the results, or other information about the request itself stored on Oracle servers?

For natively supported 8 kHz or 16 kHz WAV files, the media file you send to the Speech is only stored during the task processing time. The resulting transcription file is saved in your bucket and isn't stored in the service. Oracle temporarily logs some metadata about your requests to improve the service, for billing and metering purposes, and to combat abuse. A metadata example is the time and size of the request.

For all other formats, the media file is converted into a WAV file that is encrypted and temporarily stored on internal servers at Oracle until the transcription task completes, at which point it's deleted.