Agent-based Installer for OpenShift Container Platform

Learn about using Red Hat's Agent-based Installer to provision OpenShift Container Platform on OCI.

The Agent-based Installer is provided for advanced users who need customized infrastructure configurations, and for users working in disconnected environments. Installing a cluster using this method requires prior knowledge OCI infrastructure services including Networking, Load Balancer, DNS, Compute, Object Storage, IAM and Tagging. Expect the agent-based installer to take more time than the Assisted Installer.

Provisioning Resources for the Agent-based Installer

For the OCI resources required by the OpenShift cluster (for example, the Compute instances, VCN, load balancers, and other infrastructure), you can provision these resources with an OCI-provided Terraform script, using the OCI Resource Manager service, or you provision the resources manually. If you're in a disconnected environment, or you need to configure a firewall or do other advanced configuration, you must provision resources manually.

Option 1: Using Terraform to Provision Resources

OCI provides a Terraform script for provisioning new compute nodes, which you download from the oci-openshift-releases page in GitHub. The script is in the Assets section of the release, in a .zip folder named, where "1.x.x" refers to the version number. For example, version 1.0.0 of the script is in a zip folder named