Generating a Resource Manager Stack for a Migration Plan

Generate a Resource Manager stack from a migration plan by using the OCI Resource Manager.

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Cloud Migrations, select Migrations.
    2. On the Migrations page, select the active migration project that includes the migration plan for which you want to generate RMS.
    3. On the Migration project details page, in the Migration plans section, select the active migration plan for which you want to generate RMS.
    4. On the Migration plan details page, click Generate RMS stack.

    At the end of generating an RMS stack, the Migration plan details page includes a link to the RMS stack.

    You can now deploy the RMS stack that you have generated.
  • To run a migration plan and generate an RMS, use the execute command.

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan execute --migration-plan-id migration_plan_ID [OPTIONS]

    The required parameter for the execute command is:

    --migration-plan-id: Specifies the OCID of the migration plan.

    To get all the commands for migration-plan, run:

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan -h

    To get help for the execute command, run:

    oci cloud-migrations migration-plan execute -h

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • To run a migration plan or generate an RMS stack, use the ExecuteMigrationPlan operation.