Creating a Replication Schedule for a Migration Project

Create schedules for the migration projects to perform replications for all the associated migration assets.

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Cloud Migrations, select Migrations.
    2. Click Replication schedules.
    3. On the Replication schedules page, click Create replication schedule.
    4. On the Create replication schedule panel, provide the following information:
      1. Enter a name.
      2. Select the compartment.
      3. Select the type of the schedule. The available options are as follows:
        • Daily: Select the time when the replication should start.
        • Weekly: Select a day of the week and the time when the replication should start.
        • Monthly: Select a day of the month and the time when the replication should start.
        • Yearly: Select the month of the year, day of the month, and the time when the replication should start.
      4. (Optional) Add tags to organize your resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you are not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.
    5. Click Create.
    You can now add migration assets to the migration project.
  • To create a replication schedule for a migration project, use the create command.

    oci cloud-migrations replication-schedule create --compartment-id target_compartment_ID --display-name replication_schedule_name --execution-recurrences replication_execution_recurrence [OPTIONS]
    The required parameters for the create command are:
    • --compartment-name: Specifies the OCID of the compartment name in which you create the replication schedule.
    • --display-name: Specifies the name for the replication schedule.
    • --execution-recurrences: Specifies the recurrence of the replication schedule execution.
      The recurrence of the replication schedule execution can be as follows:

    To get all the commands for replication-schedule, run:

    oci cloud-migrations replication-schedule -h

    To get help for the create command, run:

    oci cloud-migrations replication-schedule create -h

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • To create a replication schedule for a migration project, use the CreateReplicationSchedule operation.