Editing a Resource Principal

Edit Big Data Service cluster resource principals from the Resource principal details page.

When updating the life span of the token, the updated value is applicable only to the new token. Existing token is renewed based on its original expiry time.

For example: The token is created at 1:00 am UTC with the life span of six hours. For example, expired at 7: 00 am UTC.

  • On update, if life span is updated to 10 hours, the next renewal occurs after 5:00 am (7:00 am - 0.2*10 hours. Ten is the updated life span) and the new token has a life span of 10 hours.
  • On update, if life span is updated to two hours, the next renewal occurs after 6:00 am UTC (7:00 am - 0.2*2 hours. Two is the updated life span) and the new token has a life span of two hours.
  • The existing token renewal occurs based on its original expiry time.
    1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under Data Lake, click Big Data Service.
    2. Under Compartment, select a compartment to host the cluster.
    3. In the list of clusters, click the name of the cluster.
    4. On the Cluster details page, under Resources, click Resource principal.
    5. Select the active resource principal.
    6. On the Resource principal details page, click Edit.
    7. Update fields as necessary, and then enter the Cluster admin password.

      Available fields for editing include:

      • Display name
      • Session token life-span duration
    8. Click Save.
  • Use the update-resource-principal-configuration command and required parameters to update resource principal configuration fields on, including the name, the lifeSpanInHours of the token.
    oci bds instance update-resource-principal-configuration [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference for Big Data.

  • Use the UpdateResourcePrincipalConfiguration operation to update a resource principal in a Big Data Service cluster.