Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Usage Guidelines

Describes guidelines for how much storage and CPU capacity we recommend you use for your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices.

Follow the usage guidelines for Roving Edge Infrastructure devices described in this topic. Exceeding these guidelines can result in performance issues and degradation.

Storage Capacity Usage

We recommend you avoid using more than 80% of your Roving Edge Infrastructure device storage capacity.

For storage capacity details, see Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Specifications.

Monitor capacity usage in the Device Console. See Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Monitoring.

Storage usage is also displayed in the node details in OCI when you attach your workloads. As more workloads are attached, the amount of available space is recalculated.


Limit the workload size (sum of all object and image workloads) to 50% or less of the usable capacity of your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices. If your workloads exceed this amount, you receive a warning.

CPU Usage Recommendations

Don't exceed 80% CPU utilization on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices.