Publishing a Message to a Topic

Directly publish a message to a topic in Notifications.

Each message is broadcast to all subscriptions  in the specified topic . Every message sent out as email contains a link to unsubscribe from the related topic.

Publish messages to function subscriptions to create automation. For example, see Scenario A: Automatically Resizing VMs.

Message delivery rate limits per endpoint:

  • 60 messages per minute for HTTP-based protocols. HTTP-based protocols use URL endpoints that begin with http: or https:.
  • 10 messages per minute for email protocol.
    1. On the Topics list page, find the topic that you want to work with. If you need help finding the list page or the topic, see Listing Topics.
    2. From the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the topic, select Publish Message.
    3. In the Publish Message dialog box, for Message, enter the content that you want to send.

      Message size limit per request: 64 KB.
    4. For Title, enter the title that you want to send.
      • For email notifications, the title is used as the subject line of the message.
      • For PagerDuty notifications, the title is used in the title field of the published message.
      • HTTPS, Slack, and SMS notifications don't use titles.
    5. Select Publish.
  • Use the oci ons message publish command and required parameters to publish a message to a topic:

    oci ons message publish --body <message_text> --topic-id <topic_OCID>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference for Notifications.

  • Run the PublishMessage operation to publish a message to a topic.


For troubleshooting information related to published messages, see Message Not Received.