Getting a Resolver Endpoint's Details

View details about a resolver endpoint.

See Private DNS resolvers and Resolver Endpoints for more information about resolvers and endpoints in your VCN.

    1. From the Virtual Cloud Network Details screen for your VCN, look in the VCN Information tab and click the name of the DNS resolver for the VCN. The Private Resolver Details screen appears.
    2. From the Private Resolver Details screen, click Endpoints in the left-hand navigation.
      All resolver endpoints are listed in tabular form.
    3. Click the name of the endpoint you want to see details for.
      The Details page contains information about the resolver endpoint, both general information and links to its resources. Some items in the page are read-only, while other items allow you to edit and update the endpoint configuration. See Adding a Network Security Group (NSG) to a Resolver Endpoint.
  • Use the resolver-endpoint get command and required parameters to get details about a resolver endpoint:

    oci dns resolver-endpoint get --resolver-endpoint-id resolver-endpoint_OCID ... [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the GetResolverEndpoint operation to view details about a resolver endpoint.