Exporting Container and Helm Charts

Use Marketplace to export a container image or helm chart to copy it into your tenancy.

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Marketplace. Under Marketplace, select All Applications.
    2. From the filters, select the type as Container or Helm Chart.
    3. Click the container or helm chart that you're interested in.
    4. Click Export Package on the box next to the name of the container or helm chart.
      The container or helm chart is copied into your tenancy. The image will be available in the OCI Registry to launch it. You can track the progress through the work request in the link that pops up.
  • Use the oci marketplace listing export command and required parameters to export container images or helm chart from marketplace:

    oci marketplace listing export --compartment-id | -c, --container-repository-path, --listing-id, --package-version

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ExportListing operation to export container images or helm chart from marketplace.