Creating a Community Application

Use Marketplace to create a community application to share and manage a custom image.

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Marketplace. Under Marketplace, select Community Applications.
    2. Under List Scope, in the Compartment list, click the name of the compartment where you want to create a community application.
    3. Click Create.
    4. In the Create Community Application panel, provide the following details:
      • Enter a name for the community application. This name is used in the listing that is made available in Marketplace.
      • Enter a short description of the community application. The short description appears wherever the listing is displayed in a condensed format.
      • (Optional) Enter a long description. The long description appears wherever the listing is completely displayed.
      • In the Contact Information section, enter the name and email address that needs to be used if someone needs support with the community application. Avoid entering any confidential information.
      • In the Specify Listing section, select one of the following options:
        • Find the image in a compartment: In the Import from Compartment field, select the compartment where the image exists. From the table, select the image that you want to publish.

          You cannot publish a Windows custom image as a community application.
        • Provide the image OCID: In the text box, enter the OCID of the image that you want to publish.
      • In the Community Application's Terms of Use field, enter the terms to use the image and then select the check box to confirm your authority.
    5. Click Create.

      If you plan to create the community application using Resource Manager and Terraform, click Save as Stack. This action saves the resource definition as a Terraform configuration. For more information about saving stacks from resource definitions, see Creating a Stack from a Resource Creation Page

  • Open a command prompt and run oci marketplace publication create to create a new community application:

    oci marketplace publication create --compartment-id <target_compartment_id> --name '<publication_name>' --short-description '<short_application_description>' --contact-name '<name_of_support_contact>' --contact-email '<email_of_support_contact>' --image-id <custom_image_OCID> --terms-of-use '<text_of_application_terms_of_use>'

    For example:

    oci marketplace publication create --compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..example1example25qrlpo4agcmothkbgqgmuz2zzum45ibplooqtabwk3zz --name 'My Best Application' --short-description 'This application will change your life.' --contact-name 'John Doe' --contact-email '' --image-id ocid1.image.oc1.phx.exampleanquwmne2sptdsemm32pmp4faux7yah44sndcjocyfcvbgzvft77a --terms-of-use 'I agree to use this software at my own risk.' 

    Avoid entering confidential information.

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.