Details for Integration Generation 2

Logging details for Integration logs.


  • Integration Instance

Log Categories

API value (ID): Console (Display Name) Description
all Activity Stream Includes logging activity and activity tracing (if tracing enabled).


Integration logging is available in all the regions of the commercial realms.

Contents of a Integration Log

An Integration log record contains the following fields:

Field Description Example
specversion Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging schema version. 1.0
type Category of the log. Possible values:
  • Activity Stream
source Integration instance display name. DemoPublicLog
id Unique ID for this log entry. 38c5cc58-f9f6-11eb-bee4-0200170046fa
time Log creation time. 2021-07-10T16:15:59.469Z
oracle.loggroupid OCID of the log group. ocid1.loggroup.oc1.<region_ID>.<unique_ID>
oracle.logid OCID of the service log object. ocid1.log.oc1.<region_ID>.<unique_ID>
oracle.tenantid OCID of the tenancy. ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>
oracle.compartmentid OCID of the compartment that the log group belongs to. ocid1.compartment.oc1..<unique_ID>
oracle.ingestedtime The time the log was ingested by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging. 2021-07-10T16:16:01.527Z
data.actionName actionName is optional. Available for actionType, other than invoke/trigger actionType. log2
data.actionType The type of action, such as Map, Invoke, and so on. Logger
data.operationName operationName is optional. Available only for invoke/trigger actionType. execute
data.endpointName endpointName is optional. Available only for invoke/trigger actionType. outbound
data.executionTimeInMillis Time taken in milliseconds to complete the activity. Optional field. 18
data.instanceId ID for one integration/flow execution instance. 65202025
data.integrationFlowIdentifier Integration/Flow name with version. DEMOREST!01.00.0000
data.message Service log message. This can be a logging activity message, trace message (if tracing enabled), or payload (if tracing with payload enabled). Length of parameter is 4
data.userId User who executed the integration/flow. <user id>

Sample Integration Log

    "data": {
      "actionName": "log2",
      "actionType": "Logger",
      "instanceId": "65202025",
      "integrationFlowIdentifier": "<Integration/Flow name>!<Integration/Flow version>",
      "message": "Length of parameter is 4",
      "userId": "<user executed the integration/flow>"
    "id": "38c5cc58-f9f6-11eb-bee4-0200170046fa",
    "oracle": {
      "compartmentid": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..<unique_ID>",
      "ingestedtime": "2021-07-10T16:16:01.527Z",
      "loggroupid": "ocid1.loggroup.oc1.<region_ID>.<unique_ID>",
      "logid": "ocid1.log.oc1.<region_ID>.<unique_ID>",
      "tenantid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>"
    "source": "<integration instance display name>",
    "specversion": "1.0",
    "time": "2021-07-10T16:15:59.469Z",
    "type": "com.oraclecloud.integration.integrationinstance.activitystream"