Removing a Key Assignment from a Object Storage

Remove a key assignment from a bucket.

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Storage. Under Object Storage & Archive Storage, select Buckets.
    2. Under List Scope, in the Compartment list, select the compartment that contains the bucket from which you want to remove a Vault service key assignment.
    3. From the list of buckets, select the bucket name.
    4. Next to Encryption Key, select Unassign.

    5. In the Confirm dialog box, select OK to remove the key assignment from the bucket.

  • Open a command prompt and run oci os bucket update to remove the Vault service master encryption key assigned to a bucket:

    oci os bucket update --name <bucket_name> --namespace-name <your_namespace> --kms-key-id ""

    For example:

    oci os bucket update --name Bucket-1 --kms-key-id "" --namespace-name example_namespace

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see KMS CLI Command Reference.

  • This task cannot be performed using the API