Creating a Secret Version

Create a version for the secret. When you create a version, you update its contents.

    1. Open the navigation menu , select Identity & Security, and then select Vault.
    2. Under List scope, select a compartment that contains the secret that you want to create a version.
    3. choose the compartment that you want work with.
    4. On the Vaults page, click the name of the vault to open its details page.
    5. Under Resources, click Secrets and then click the name of the secret to open its details page.
    6. Under Table Scope, click Versions and then click Create Secret Version.
    7. In the Create Secret Version dialog box, provide the following details:
      • Secret Type Template. Select a format for the secret. It can be plain-text or base64.
      • Secret Contents. Enter the new content for the secret content such as passwords, and database connection strings.
      • Set to Pending. Select the check box if you want to save the secret but not set it as the active version.
    8. Click Create Secret Version.

      If you set the version to Pending, you can promote it to Current at any time by clicking the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for it in the Versions table on the secret details page and selecting Promote to Current.
  • This task can't be performed using the CLI.

  • This task can't be performed using the API.