Listing Subscribed Infrastructure Regions

View a list of regions you're subscribed to in IAM.

    1. Open the Console, open the Region menu, and then select Manage regions. The list of regions you've subscribed to is displayed. Your home region is labeled.

    2. Open the Console, open the Region menu, and then select Manage regions. A list of the regions offered by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is displayed. Regions that you haven't subscribed to provide a button to create a subscription.

      To switch to the new region, use the Region menu in the Console. See Switching Regions for more information.

    You can't unsubscribe from a region.

  • Use the region-subscription command and required parameters to view a list of regions you're subscribed to:

    oci iam region-subscription list

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ListRegionSubscriptions operation to view a list of regions you're subscribed to.