Getting a Sender Invitation's Details

Get information about an invitation sent to a tenancy inviting it to join an organization.

  • You can view sender invitation details from both the parent tenancy that sent the invitation and the recipient tenancy that's been invited to join the organization as a child tenancy.

    1. Open the navigation menu and select Governance & Administration. Under Organization Management, select Invitations.
    2. On the Invitations page, select the invitation that you want to work with.

      The invitation details page displays the invitation status, along with the following details on the Invitation Information tab:

      • Sent to tenancy OCID
      • Type: This field shows both invitations (a parent tenancy wants another tenancy to become a child tenancy in the organization), or requests (to use governance rules). For invitations sent from a parent tenancy inviting a child tenancy, Sent invitation is displayed.
      • Status
      • Sent date
      • Request (governance requests only)
      • Cost Management (tenancy invitations only)
      • Organization governance (tenancy invitations only)
      • Subscription mapping (tenancy invitations only)

      You can also viewing tagging information on the Tags tab. See Resource Tags.

  • Use the oci organizations sender-invitation get command and required parameters to get details about a sender invitation:

    oci organizations sender-invitation get --sender-invitation-id [text] [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the GetSenderInvitation operation to get details about a sender invitation.