Accepting an Invitation to Join an Organization

Accept an invitation from a parent tenancy to join an organization.

  • To accept an invitation, follow these steps:

    1. Open the navigation menu and select Governance & Administration. Under Organization Management, select Invitations.

      On the Invitations page, the invitation from the tenancy that sent the invite is displayed in the Invitations page list. For more information on the Invitations page fields, see Listing Sender Invitations for a sender, and Listing Recipient Invitations for a recipient.

    2. On the Invitations page, select the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the received invitation and select Accept Invitation. An Accept Invitation confirmation message is displayed, indicating that you're about to accept an invitation from the tenancy.

      By joining the organization, the parent tenancy can manage cost management and reporting (oversee spending), governance rules (create and attach governance rules to the tenancy), and subscription mapping (map and unmap subscriptions to the tenancy).

    See the final step of the Inviting a Tenancy to Join an Organization Console topic for more information on the invitation acceptance process.

  • Use the oci organizations recipient-invitation accept command and required parameters to accept a recipient tenancy:

    oci organizations recipient-invitation accept --recipient-invitation-id [text] [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the AcceptRecipientInvitation operation to accept a recipient tenancy.