Cost Reporting Integration

You can use the Oracle billing and cost reporting features to centrally manage the cost and usage information across all tenancies in your organization.

After a tenancy has been created or joins your organization, you can filter or group by spending in your organization through the reporting options in Cost Analysis. As the parent tenancy, you can use Cost Analysis Overview to analyze your organization's spending by using:

  • The Tenant ID and Tenant Name grouping dimensions.
  • The Subscription ID grouping dimensions to filter by a specific subscription and find which subscription a tenancy's usage was attributed against. As a result, you can view the cost and usage associated solely with a particular subscription. See Viewing Subscription Details and Costs for more information on viewing costs in an organization.

Child tenancies can also group by Tenant ID, Tenant Name, and Subscription ID, but the costs shown are only for the child tenancy (in contrast to a parent tenancy that can see its costs, plus the child tenancy costs).

You can also view granular cost and usage information using cost and usage reports, where you can get hourly level information to gain insights on your spending.

All spending against the subscription (in the parent and all child tenancies) is included in cost reporting in the parent tenancy, and child tenancies are limited to seeing spending in their own tenancy. Cost and usage reports are generated only in the parent tenancy, and include all usage for the parent and all its children. Both parent and child tenancies can create budgets. Parent tenancies can create budgets both for themselves and child tenancies, while child tenancies can only create budgets for themselves.


A tenancy that has had its subscription reassigned will have data split across two subscriptions going forward (that is, before and after being reassigned). In Cost Analysis and Cost and usage reports, the data corresponds to a particular time, and impacts query filtering and grouping choices. For example, if "tenancy1" was reporting data to "subscription1" until October 15, and "subscription2" from October 16, then you must look at "subscription1" for consumption until October 15, and "subscription2" after October 15.

Also see Viewing Billing Details for more information on billing details that can be viewed on the Console home page.

The following table describes the impact of Organization Management on cost reporting, in terms of all Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Billing and Cost Management features.

Parent Tenancy Child Tenancies
Cost Analysis Overview Reports on all usage and cost in the parent, and all child tenancies with the ability to group by tenancy or subscription ID. Parent tenancies can also view the subscription details for the parent and all child tenancies.

Reports on all usage and cost in the child tenancy. Child tenancies can't view subscription details within Cost Analysis (they can only be viewed from the parent tenancy perspective).

Note: If a child tenancy wants to use Cost Analysis from the Console, you must subscribe to the parent tenancy's home region.

Cost and usage reports (CSVs) Includes all usage and costs in the parent and all child tenancies. Cost reports show cost associated with the subscription the child tenancy is mapped to by the parent. Invited child tenancies can also continue to see historical reports of cost associated with the original subscription before they were invited to join a parent tenancy's organization.
Budgets Budgets can be created against child tenancies, compartments, and tags in the primary tenancy. Budgets can be created against compartments, or tags within the child tenancy.
Cloud Advisor Recommendations can be viewed by the parent across all child tenancies. The parent can view the recommendation, but can't implement the recommendation. Child tenancies can view their own recommendations.
Usage Statements Usage statements are only generated in the parent tenancy of an organization. The parent tenancy can access usage statements for each subscription in terms of tenancy and SKU number. Not available.
OCI FinOps Hub Costs Shows costs depending on which subscription the parent tenancy was mapped to. The parent can see both its own consumption and that of its children. Child tenancies can only see their own consumption based on the subscription they're mapped to.
Oracle Support Rewards Available for parent tenancies only. Not available.
Subscriptions The Subscriptions list page shows subscription information for only the original subscription. Invited child tenancies can only see the original subscription information that was present before being invited to join an organization.