Detaching a Governance Rule from a Tenancy

Detach a governance rule from one or more target tenancies in an organization.


This process only detaches the governance rule. It doesn't opt the tenancy out of organization governance. See Removing Governance from Tenancies.
  1. Open the navigation menu and select Governance & Administration. Under Organization Management, select Governance Rules.
  2. On the Governance Rules page, select the governance rule that you want to work with.
  3. On the details page, select one or more tenancies under Tenancies, and then select Detach tenancies.

    A confirmation is displayed indicating that the rule will no longer be applied to the targeted tenancy, and the rule's associated resource in the target tenancy will be deleted.

  4. Select Detach rule.

    The details page reloads and a new work request is started. You can select the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the tenancy and select View work requests to view the status and progress. After the work request completes, the rule is no longer attached to the tenancy, and the Rule Status changes to Detached.