Functions QuickStart on Local Host

Find out how to get set up and running quickly on a local host using this OCI Functions QuickStart.

A. Set up your tenancy

1. Create groups and users

If suitable users and groups don't exist already:

  1. Sign in to the Console as a tenancy administrator.
  2. Open the navigation menu  and select Identity & Security. Under Identity, select Domains.
  3. Create a new group by clicking Groups and then Create Group.
    This image shows the Create Group dialog, with empty Name and Description fields.
  4. Create a new user by clicking Users and then Create User.
    This image shows the Create User dialog, with empty Name, Description, Email, and Confirm Email fields.
  5. Add a user to a group by clicking Groups, then the name of the group, and then Add User to Group.
    This image shows the Add User to Group dialog, with an empty Users field.

See Configuration Notes for more information.

2. Create compartment

If a suitable compartment in which to create network resources and OCI Functions resources doesn't exist already:

  1. Sign in to the Console as a tenancy administrator.
  2. Open the navigation menu  and select Identity & Security. Under Identity, select Compartments.
  3. Click Create Compartment.
    This image shows the Create Compartment dialog, with empty Name and Description fields.

See Configuration Notes for more information.

3. Create VCN and subnets

If a suitable VCN in which to create network resources doesn't exist already:

  1. Sign in to the Console as a tenancy administrator.
  2. Open the navigation menu , select Networking, and then select Virtual cloud networks.
  3. Click Start VCN Wizard to create a new VCN.
  4. In the Start VCN Wizard dialog box, select VCN with Internet Connectivity and click Start VCN Wizard.
    This image shows the Start VCN Wizard dialog, with the "Create VCN with Internet Connectivity" option selected.
  5. Enter a name for the new VCN, click Next, and then click Create to create the VCN along with the related network resources.

See Configuration Notes for more information.

4. Create policy for group and service

If one or more OCI Functions users is not a tenancy administrator:

  1. Sign in to the Console as a tenancy administrator.
  2. Open the navigation menu  and select Identity & Security. Under Identity, select Policies.
  3. Click Create Policy, specify a name and description for the new policy, and select the tenancy's root compartment.

  4. Use the Policy Builder to create the policy. Select Functions from the list of Policy use cases, and base the policy on the policy template Let users create, deploy, and manage functions and applications.

    This image shows the Create Policy dialog, with empty Name, Description, and Compartment fields. The "Let users create, deploy, and manage functions and applications using Cloud Shell" template is shown in the Common policy templates field. Several of the policy statements are shown.

    The policy template includes the following policy statements:

    • Allow group <group-name> to use cloud-shell in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to manage repos in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to read objectstorage-namespaces in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to manage logging-family in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to read metrics in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to manage functions-family in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to use virtual-network-family in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to use apm-domains in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to read vaults in tenancy
    • Allow group <group-name> to use keys in tenancy
    • Allow service faas to use apm-domains in tenancy
    • Allow service faas to read repos in tenancy where request.operation='ListContainerImageSignatures'
    • Allow service faas to {KEY_READ} in tenancy where request.operation='GetKeyVersion'
    • Allow service faas to {KEY_VERIFY} in tenancy where request.operation='Verify'

    If necessary, you can restrict these policy statements by compartment.

See Configuration Notes for more information.

B. Create application

1. Create your first application
  1. Sign in to the Console as a functions developer.
  2. Open the navigation menu  and select Developer Services. Under Functions, select Applications.
  3. Select the region you're using with OCI Functions.
  4. Click Create Application.
    This image shows the New Applicatoin dialog, with empty Name, VCN, and Subnets fields.
  5. Specify:
    • helloworld-app as the name for the new application. You'll deploy your first function in this application, and specify this application when invoking the function.
    • The VCN and subnet in which to run the function. Note that a public subnet requires an internet gateway in the VCN, and a private subnet requires a service gateway in the VCN.
  6. Click Create.

See detailed instructions for more information.

C. Set up your local host dev environment

1. Install and start Docker

In a terminal window in your development environment:

  1. Confirm that Docker is installed by entering:
    docker version

    If you see an error message indicating that Docker is not installed, you have to install Docker before proceeding. See the Docker documentation for your platform (for Oracle Linux, see here).

    Assuming Docker is installed, go to the Prerequisites section of the Fn Project home page on GitHub and confirm that the installed version of Docker is at least the minimum version specified there. If not, re-install Docker before proceeding.

  2. Launch the standard hello-world Docker image as a container to confirm that Docker is running by entering:
    docker run hello-world

    If you see an error message indicating that Docker is not running, you have to start the Docker daemon before proceeding. See the Docker documentation.

See Configuration Notes for more information.

2. Set up API signing key and OCI profile
  1. Sign in to the Console as a functions developer.
  2. Open the Profile menu and click User Settings (or My Profile or your account name).
  3. Under Resources, click API Keys, and then click Add API Key.
  4. Select Generate API Key Pair in the Add API Key dialog.
    This image shows the Add API Key dialog, with the Generate API Key Pair option selected.
  5. Click Download Private Key and save the private key file (as a .pem file) in the ~/.oci directory. (If the ~/.oci directory doesn't already exist, create it now).
  6. Click Add to add the new API signing key to your user settings.

    The Configuration File Preview dialog is displayed, containing a configuration file snippet with basic authentication information for a profile named DEFAULT (including the fingerprint of the API signing key you just created).

    This image shows the Configuration File Preview dialog, with basic authentication information for a profile named Default.

  7. Copy the configuration file snippet shown in the text box, and close the Configuration File Preview dialog.
  8. In a text editor, open the ~/.oci/config file and paste the snippet into the file. (If the ~/.oci/config file doesn't already exist, create it now).
  9. In the text editor, change the profile in the snippet you've just pasted, as follows:
    • Change the name of the profile from [DEFAULT] to a name of your choosing (for example, [functions-developer-profile]). Note that the ~/.oci/config file cannot contain two profiles with the same name.
    • Change the value of the key_file parameter of the profile to specify the path of the private key file (the .pem file) you downloaded earlier.
  10. In the text editor, save the changes you've made to the ~/.oci/config file, and close the text editor.
  11. In a terminal window, change permissions on the private key file (the .pem file) to ensure that only you can read it, by entering:
    chmod go-rwx ~/.oci/<private-key-file-name>.pem

See Configuration Notes for more information about setting up an API signing key and creating a profile.

3. Install Fn Project CLI

In a terminal window in your development environment:

  1. Install the Fn Project CLI using the appropriate instructions below for your environment:
  2. Confirm that the Fn Project CLI has been installed by entering:
    fn version

See Configuration Notes for more information.

4. Set up Fn Project CLI context provider --oracle

In a terminal window in your development environment:

  1. Create a new Fn Project CLI context by entering:
    fn create context <my-context> --provider oracle

    Note that you specify --provider oracle to enable authentication and authorization using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure request signing, private keys, user groups, and policies that grant permissions to those user groups.

  2. Specify that the Fn Project CLI is to use the new context by entering:
    fn use context <my-context>
  3. Configure the new Fn Project CLI context with the name of the OCI profile you've created for use with OCI Functions (for example, [functions-developer-profile]), by entering:
    fn update context oracle.profile <profile-name>

See Configuration Notes for more information.

5. Complete Fn Project CLI context configuration

In a terminal window in your development environment:

  1. Configure the new Fn Project CLI context with the OCID of the compartment you want to own deployed functions
    fn update context oracle.compartment-id <compartment-ocid>
  2. Configure the new context with the api-url endpoint to use when calling the OCI API by entering:
    fn update context api-url <api-endpoint>

    where <api-endpoint> is one of the endpoints in the list of Functions endpoints in Functions API, in the format https://functions.<region-identifier> For example:

    fn update context api-url
  3. Configure the Fn Project CLI context with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry address in the current region and tenancy that you want to use with OCI Functions:

    fn update context registry <region-key><tenancy-namespace>/<repo-name-prefix>

    where <repo-name-prefix> is a prefix of your choosing for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry repository in which to store images for the function. For example:

    fn update context registry
  4. Configure the Fn Project CLI context with the OCID of the compartment for repositories to and from which you want OCI Functions to push and pull function images, by entering:

    fn update context oracle.image-compartment-id <compartment-ocid>

    For example:

    fn update context oracle.image-compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaquqe______z2q

    If you do not specify a value for oracle.image-compartment-id, OCI Functions pushes and pulls images to and from repositories in the root compartment.

See Configuration Notes for more information.

6. Generate auth token
  1. Sign in to the Console as a functions developer.
  2. Open the Profile menu, and then click User Settings (or My Profile or your account name). On the Auth Tokens page, click Generate Token.
  3. Enter a meaningful description for the auth token in the Generate Token dialog, and click Generate Token. The new auth token is displayed.
  4. Copy the auth token immediately to a secure location from where you can retrieve it later, because you won't see the auth token again in the Console.
  5. Close the Generate Token dialog.

See Configuration Notes for more information.

7. Log in to Registry

On the Getting Started page in the Console:

  1. Copy the following command:

    docker login -u '<tenancy-namespace>/<user-name>' <region-key>

    For example:

    docker login -u 'ansh81vru1zp/'

    If your tenancy is federated with Oracle Identity Cloud Service, the format will be slightly different. For example:

    docker login -u 'ansh81vru1zp/oracleidentitycloudservice/'
  2. In the terminal window, paste the command you just copied and run it.
  3. When prompted for a password, enter the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure auth token that you created and copied earlier. For example, 6aN...6MqX

    You're now ready to start creating, deploying, and invoking functions.

See Configuration Notes for more information.

D. Create, deploy, and invoke your function

1. Create your first function

In the terminal window:

  1. Create a helloworld java function by entering:

    fn init --runtime java hello-java

    A directory called hello-java is created, containing:

    • a function definition file called func.yaml
    • a /src directory containing source files and directories for the helloworld function
    • a Maven configuration file called pom.xml that specifies the dependencies required to compile the function

    Java is just one of several supported languages.

    See detailed instructions for more information.

2. Deploy your first function

In the terminal window:

  1. Change directory to the hello-java directory created in the previous step:
    cd hello-java
  2. Enter the following single Fn Project command to build the function and its dependencies as a Docker image called hello-java, push the image to the specified Docker registry, and deploy the function to OCI Functions in the helloworld-app application that you created earlier:
    fn -v deploy --app helloworld-app
  3. (Optional) Confirm that the function has been deployed to OCI Functions by clicking Functions (under Resources on the details page for the helloworld-app application) and noting that the hello-java function now appears.

See detailed instructions for more information.

3. Invoke your first function

In the terminal window:

  1. Invoke the hello-java function by entering:

    fn invoke helloworld-app hello-java

    The 'Hello world!' message is displayed.

  2. Invoke the hello-java function with the parameter 'John' by entering:

    echo -n 'John' | fn invoke helloworld-app hello-java

    The 'Hello John!' message is displayed.

Congratulations! You've just created, deployed, and invoked your first function using OCI Functions!

See detailed instructions for more information.

4. Next steps

Now that you've created, deployed, and invoked a function, learn how to:

You're done!