Moving a Dashboard Between Groups and Compartments

You can move a console dashboard to a new or existing dashboard group in the same compartment, or a different compartment.

To move a dashboard group, see Moving a Dashboard Group Between Compartments. For more information about dashboard groups, see Working with Console Dashboards Groups.

    1. Open the navigation menu. Under Home, select Dashboards.
      The default dashboard opens. If needed, switch dashboards.
    2. Select Dashboard actions, then select Move.
    3. In the Move dashboard panel, select the compartment that contains the group that you want to move the dashboard to, or the compartment where you want to create a group.
    4. If the compartment contains dashboard groups, select the one you want to move the dashboard to. You can also create a new group in the compartment by entering a name. Avoid entering confidential information.
    5. If the compartment doesn't contain any dashboard groups, create a new group in the compartment by entering a name. Avoid entering confidential information.
    6. Select Submit.
  • Use the dashboard change-dashboard-group command and required parameters to move a dashboard to another group:

    oci dashboard-service dashboard change-dashboard-group --dashboard-group-id <dashboard_group_id> --dashboard-id <dashboard_id> [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Use the ChangeDashboardGroup operation to move a dashboard to another group.