Updating a Cluster
Find out how to update a cluster using Kubernetes Engine (OKE).
For more information about updating clusters, see Updating Cluster Properties.
- Open the navigation menu and select Developer Services. Under Containers & Artifacts, select Kubernetes Clusters (OKE).
- Select the compartment that contains the cluster.
On the Clusters page, click the name of the cluster that you want to modify.
On the Cluster Details tab, information about the cluster is displayed, including the following details:
- The status of the cluster and the node pools in the cluster.
- The cluster's OCID.
- The Kubernetes version running on the control plane nodes in the cluster.
- The address of the Kubernetes API endpoint.
- Whether pod security policies are being enforced.
Click Edit and make the following changes as necessary:
If you change the cluster's name or whether pod security policies are being enforced, save those changes before changing access details for the Kubernetes API endpoint.- Change the name of the cluster.
- (Kubernetes versions earlier than 1.25) Change whether pod security policies are being enforced by enabling the cluster's PodSecurityPolicy admission controller. You must create pod security policies before enabling the PodSecurityPolicy admission controller of an existing cluster that is already in production. We also strongly recommend you first verify the cluster's pod security policies in a development or test environment. That way, you can ensure that the pod security policies work as you expect and correctly allow or refuse pods to start on the cluster. If you disable a cluster's PodSecurityPolicy admission controller, any pod security policies (along with roles, rolebindings, clusterroles, and clusterrolebindings) that you've defined aren't deleted, they're simply not enforced. See Using Pod Security Policies with Kubernetes Engine (OKE).
- Change access details for the Kubernetes API endpoint, including the use of network security groups and whether to assign a public IP address to the Kubernetes API endpoint subnet. See Kubernetes Cluster Control Plane and Kubernetes API.
If you change whether a public IP address is assigned to the Kubernetes API endpoint subnet, you must also update route rules and security rules accordingly. See Kubernetes API Endpoint Subnet Configuration.
- Change whether the cluster is enabled for OIDC Discovery, so that application pods running on the cluster can authenticate using OIDC Discovery when accessing APIs hosted on an external cloud provider. See Authorizing Pods to Access Non-OCI Resources Using OpenID Connect (OIDC) Discovery.
- Change cluster add-on configuration. See Configuring Cluster Add-ons.
If a newer version of Kubernetes is available than the one running on the control plane nodes in the cluster, the New Kubernetes version available button is enabled. If you want to upgrade the control plane nodes to a newer version, click New Kubernetes version available. For more information, see Upgrading the Kubernetes Version on Control Plane Nodes in a Cluster.
Use the Cluster tags tab, the Initial load balancer tags tab, and the Initial block volume tags tab, to add or modify the following tags as needed:
- Tags applied to the cluster.
- Tags applied to load balancers created by Kubernetes services of type LoadBalancer.
- Tags applied to block volumes created by Kubernetes persistent volume claims.
- Under Resources, click Metrics to monitor the health, capacity, and performance of the cluster. For more information, see Kubernetes Engine (OKE) Metrics.
Under Resources, click Node pools to perform the following actions:
View information about each of the node pools in the cluster, including the following details:
- The status of the node pool.
- The node pool's OCID.
- The configuration currently used when starting new worker nodes in the node pool, including the Kubernetes version, the shape, and the image.
- The availability domains, and different regional subnets (recommended) or AD-specific subnets hosting worker nodes.
You can change some of these node pool and worker node properties. For more information, see Modifying Node Pool and Worker Node Properties.
Scale the cluster up or down to increase or decrease the number of node pools in the cluster by performing the following actions:
- Add a new node pool to the cluster by clicking the Add Node Pool button and entering details for the new node pool.
- Delete a node pool by selecting Delete Node Pool from the Actions menu.
For more information, see Adding and Removing Node Pools to Scale Clusters Up and Down.
Under Resources, click Work requests to perform the following actions:
- Get the details of a particular work request for the cluster resource.
- List the work requests for the cluster resource.
For more information, see Viewing Work Requests.
- Under Resources, click Image verification to configure clusters to only allow the deployment of images from Container Registry that have been signed by specific master encryption keys. For more information, see Enforcing the Use of Signed Images from Registry.
Under Resources, click Quick Start to perform the following actions:
Set up access to the cluster. For more information, see Setting Up Cluster Access.
Download and deploy a sample Nginx application by using the Kubernetes command line tool kubectl, from the instructions in a manifest file. For more information, see Deploying a Sample Nginx App on a Cluster Using Kubectl.
Under Resources, click Add-ons to perform the following actions:
- Manage essential cluster add-ons. Essential cluster add-ons are core components of a Kubernetes cluster, and are required for a cluster to operate correctly.
- Manage optional cluster add-ons. Optional cluster add-ons are components that you can choose to deploy on a Kubernetes cluster. Optional add-ons extend core Kubernetes functionality to improve cluster manageability and performance.
For more information, see Configuring Cluster Add-ons.
Use the oci ce cluster update command and required parameters to update a cluster:
oci ce cluster update --cluster-id <cluster-ocid> [OPTIONS]
For example:
oci ce cluster update --cluster-id ocid1.cluster.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaaaf______jrd --name Finance-Cluster
For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.
Run the Update Cluster operation to update an existing Kubernetes cluster.