Listing Cluster Add-ons

Find out how to list the cluster add-ons deployed on a cluster using Kubernetes Engine (OKE).

You can list the cluster add-ons deployed on a cluster using the Console, the CLI, and the API.

For more information about cluster add-ons, see Configuring Cluster Add-ons.

  • To list the cluster add-ons deployed on a cluster using the Console:

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Developer Services. Under Containers & Artifacts, select Kubernetes Clusters (OKE).
    2. Choose a Compartment you have permission to work in.

      The Cluster List page shows the clusters in the selected compartment.

    3. On the Cluster List page, click the name of the cluster on which the cluster add-ons are deployed.
    4. Under Resources, click Add-ons.

      The cluster add-ons deployed on the cluster are shown.

  • Use the oci ce cluster list-addons command and required parameters to list the cluster add-ons deployed on a cluster:

    oci ce cluster list-addons --cluster-id <cluster-ocid> [OPTIONS]

    Use the oci ce addon-option list command to:

    • List available versions of all cluster add-ons supported on a given Kubernetes version:

      oci ce addon-option list --kubernetes-version <k8s-version>

      For example:

      oci ce addon-option list --kubernetes-version v1.25.4
    • List available versions of a cluster add-on supported on a given Kubernetes version:

      oci ce addon-option list --kubernetes-version <k8s-version> --addon-name <addon-name>

      For example:

      oci ce addon-option list --kubernetes-version v1.25.4 --addon-name KubernetesDashboard

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ListAddons operation to list the cluster add-ons deployed on a cluster.

    Run the ListAddonOptions operation to list available versions of cluster add-ons.