Listing Recommendations

This section describes how to list and view Cloud Advisor recommendations

  • To use the Console to list recommendations, complete the following steps.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Governance & Administration. Under Cloud Advisor, click Recommendations.

      You might not see every recommendation listed on the Categories and Recommendations page, depending on how your tenancy or compartment is set up and what you have selected in the Category, Service, and Status boxes.
    2. Optional: The default settings for Category, Service, and Status are All categories, Filter by service type (all services) and Active, respectively. To filter the list of recommendations, click the Category, Service, and Status boxes to display the recommendations that you want to see.
      • Categories includes All categories, Cost management, Performance, and High availability. You can display only one of these at a time. For information about these categories, see Categories and Recommendations.
      • Filter by service type includes Autonomous database, Base database, Block storage, Compute, Exadata cloud, Load balancing, and Object storage. You can display any or all of these at one time.
      • Status includes Active, Dismissed, and Postponed. You can select any or all of these at one time.
    3. In the left pane of the window, under Filters, use the Tenancies menu to choose a tenancy to display the recommendations for that tenancy.
      • All tenancies in the organization, which displays a list of all the tenancies in the organization. Scroll down to choose a tenancy to display the recommendations for.
      • Parent tenancy, which displays the recommendations for only that tenancy.
      • Child tenancy, which displays the recommendations for only that tenancy.
    4. Optional: It the upper right corner of the window, click Download CSV to create and download a CSV showing all the current recommendations and their status. The CSV is downloaded to your default downloads folder.
  • This topic explains how to list recommendations using the CLI.

    Use the oci optimizer recommendation-summary list command to list recommendations.

    oci optimizer recommendation-summary list --compartment-id <compartment_OCID>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • This topic explains how to list recommendations using the Cloud Advisor API.

    Use the ListRecommendations operation to list recommendations.