Getting Recommendations

This section explains how to get recommendations.

  • This section explains how to use the Console to get recommendations.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Governance & Administration. Under Cloud Advisor, click Recommendations.
    2. Optional: Filter the list of recommendations by selecting a Category and Service to show only the type of recommendations that you are interested in.
    3. Click the name of the recommendation you want.

    To filter the resources in a recommendation list

    Filter resources for a selected recommendation by compartment, tag, and region.
    1. Open the details page for the recommendation you want.
      1. Open the navigation menu and click Governance & Administration. Under Cloud Advisor, click Recommendations.
      2. Click the name of the recommendation you want.
    2. In the Filtering menu, select Compartment, Tag, or Region.
    3. If you select Compartment, in the Filter compartments dialog, make the following selections, and then click Apply filter.
      1. Select the method to use to identify the compartment: By name, By OCID, or By path.
      2. In the drop-down menu, select the compartments that the override applies to.
      3. If you want to include subcompartments, select Include subcompartments.
    4. If you select Region, in the Filter region dialog, add regions, and then click Apply filter.
    5. If you select Tag, in the Filter tag dialog, make the following selections, and then click Apply filter.
      1. For Tag namespace, in the drop-down menu, select the tag namespace that contains your tags. Cloud Advisor supports the following characters for the tag namespace field: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _, @, -, :.
      2. For Tag key, in the drop-down menu, select the name used to refer to the tag. Cloud Advisor supports the following characters for the tag key field: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _, @, -, :.
      3. Select either Match any value or Match any of the following.
        • If you choose Match any value, the filter applies to any resource with the tag selected in the Tag key field.
        • If you choose Match any of the following, in the drop-down menu, select or enter tag values. The filter applies only to resources with the tag key and tag values specified. The tag values can contain any UTF-8 characters except single quotation marks.
    6. (Optional) To save your filter, in the Filtering menu, click Save filter settings. In the Save current filter set dialog, enter a name, and then click Save.
  • This topic explains how to use the Cloud Advisor CLI to list recommendations.

    Use the oci optimizer recommendation-summary list command to list recommendations.

    oci optimizer recommendation get --recommendation-id <recommendation_OCID>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Use the GetRecommendation operation to get recommendation metadata.