Tagging a Load Balancer when Updating

Add metadata to a load balancer when you update an existing one. This metadata enables you to define keys and values and associate them with resources.

    1. Begin the steps for editing a load balancer using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console as described in Editing a Load Balancer.
    2. In the selected load balancer's Details page, click Add tags.
    3. The Add one or more tags to this resource dialog box appears.
    4. Complete the following:
      • Tag namespace

      • Tag key

      • Value

      See Overview of Tagging for descriptions of these fields.

    5. Click +Additional tag to add another tag. Click X to remove the associated tag.
    6. Click Add tags. The dialog box closes and you are returned to the Details page.
  • Use the --defined-tags or --freeform-tags options when running the oci lb load-balancer update command to tag a load balancer you are updating:

    oci lb load-balancer update --load-balancer-id load_balancer_id [--defined-tags | --freeform-tags] tags [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the UpdateLoadBalancer operation when updating a load balancer. Include the definedTags and freeformTags attributes and their values.