Getting a Load Balancer Work Request's Details

View the details of a work request for a load balancer.

    1. Open the navigation menu, click Networking, and then click Load balancers. Click Load balancer. The Load balancers page appears.
    2. Select the Compartment from the list. All load balancers in that compartment are listed in tabular form.
    3. Select a State from the list to limit the load balancers displayed to that state.
    4. Select the load balancer whose work request you want to get details. The load balancer's Details page appears.
    5. Click Work requests under Resources. The Work requests list appears. All work requests are listed in tabular form.
    6. Click Work requests under Resources. The Work requests list appears. All work requests are listed in tabular form.
    7. Find the work request whose details you want to get from the list.

    The following details for each work request are displayed:

    • Status: See Load Balancer Work Request Status Descriptions for a list of statuses and their descriptions.

    • Type: API method used for run the work request.

    • OCID: Oracle Cloud identifier of the work request.

    • Error details: Details of any errors associated with the work.

    • Started: UTC-based date-time group when the work request was started.

    • Finished: UTC-based date-time group when the work request was finished.

  • Use the oci lb work-request get command and required parameters to get the details of a load balancer work request:

    oci lb work-request get --work-request-id work_request_id [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the GetWorkRequest operation to get the details of a load balancer work request.